Year 8 Curriculum Personalisation
In Year 9, students have the opportunity to tailor their curriculum of subjects through curriculum personalisation.
The principles of this process are as follows:
- To ensure our curriculum is tailored and personalised to our students.
- To ensure our students have full exposure to a curriculum based around the KS3 National Curriculum. This is broad and ambitious, giving coverage and depth of as many subjects as possible. Any gaps are identified and addressed through curricular days/activities in Year 9.
- To ensure our students have the opportunity to personalise their curriculum and gain exposure to possible GCSE option subjects in Year 9.
- Final choices of subjects to study in Years 10 and 11 will take place later in Year 9.
In Year 9, all students will study the Core Curriculum:
English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Spanish, Religious Studies, PE (non-examined) and Personal Development (non-examined).
In addition to this, students will choose three subjects (in preference order) from the following:
Art, Business, Drama, Food Preparation and Nutrition, Design Technology, Creative iMedia (IT course), Computer Science, Media, Citizenship, Music, Sports Studies.
Finally, students will choose a ‘reserve’ subject to study should it not be possible for them to study one of their original choices.
Please find below the letter which was issued on 16th January 2025, along with instructions on how to make your choices.