Headteachers Welcome
I am proud to be the Headteacher at de Stafford; working with the committed body of staff, my role is to oversee the day-to-day running of the school to help ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our students. Through working in partnership with parents and carers we seek to ensure all students are fully prepared for the next stage of their education after their 5-year journey with us. As part of the GLF Trust we work with local schools to share best practice to ensure our setting is as enriching, challenging, and supportive as it can be.
On our website, I would encourage you to explore the wide range of information which gives a snapshot of life at de Stafford. You will find information on our curriculum; from the subject content and structures to the wider curriculum and our excellent PSHE and Citizenship programmes. There is information about our extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities including sports, computing and Science clubs, drama and music opportunities, as well as a thriving Duke of Edinburgh programme. You will also be able to find out more about our student leadership opportunities alongside information about our pastoral programmes, SEND provision, and a whole host of past news through our Weekly Bulletins.
If you have any questions about anything you see on our website or any aspects of your child’s education I would encourage you to contact us.
Jeff Place